lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011


Suenan campanas. Alguien se casa. En una iglesia. Nádie abre las puertas , porque irrumpe la felicidad y las empuja hacia afuera para dejar entrever una pareja de enamorados, sonriendo y mirando a todo el mundo, como si fueran felices. Suenan campanas. El enemigo se aproxima , son demasiados y se tiene que abandonar el castillo. Los niños , que se lleven a los niños. Y a las mujeres, que salgan todos . Nos quedaremos con el rey, defenderemos nuestro honor. Suenan campanas. Parece que hoy cenamos más pronto de lo habitual. Se cierra el comedor, y la maestra nos informa de que mañana no se saldrá del claustro por fuertes tormentas, ventiscas y demás. Alguien dispara. Empieza la carrera. Salen despedidos , como rayos . Fuerza y velocidad, se combinan para ejecutar con habilidad un contínuo baile para llegar antes que el resto de los competidores. Alguien dispara. Siente el retroceso del arma, y la baja. El otro se duele ante el impacto, que le hace retroceder . Se toca la herida, se pone nervioso por última vez. Mira a su asesino, antes de caer al suelo. Él escribe. Sin pensar en nada. Sin obligación de hacerlo. En soledad, acompañado de su mente, su cuerpo, el equilibrio que su unión produce. ¿ Quien hace sonar las campanas? ¿ Quien dispara el arma? El mismo que escribe.

martes, 8 de marzo de 2011


I cannot say exactly what my favourite landscape is. Or where it is. But I think one I would never forget. It is located in X, but begins before the coast. Walking the streets, you come to a forest where roads are bordered by small bushes. The sky is covered with thick trees, very high, with that particular smell of resin.

Before coming to the sea, you meet a nice pond of ducks, accumulated rocks where you can put yourself to pick crabs or to throw bread to the ducks. It is a place where you always see children running about, or people sitting in the benches, speaking about everything expect about work.

When you get out of this place, you have to cross a wooden bridge that comes to the sea. When you are walking on it you hear the creak of the wood, the smell of the sea comes to you. It is a very special set of sensations, which make you feel that you want to remain there more time. From this bridge it is possible to see the place which I like to be the more.

When you have already crossed the bridge, you come to the beach. There you find something like a crag, with a wonderful view to the sea. More than once I have taken a house chair and have sat down there and I continued admiring the beauty of this place. You never get tired of hearing the noise of the waves when they come and go away, the people who goes up and down. It is something very interesting to feel.

It is a scene that is not tiring of seeing. But I believe that this place reaches all his splendour when it begins becoming night. The sky is illuminated of very showy colours, and the breeze even follows you caressing the skin.